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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mumbai Shock and awe

The terror attacks of Mumbai have sent a shivering wave across the globe. Everyone has condemned it. The killers have killed Muslims, Hindus, Christians, jews just everyone, whoever came in their line. Pakistan got the blame when the attack was not even brought under control. No Investigation. Did Americans did after 9/11? So why should we do? Good.

Whatever the conspiracy behind it, there is no answer to how Mr.Hemant Karkare the Chief of ANTI TERRORIST SQUAD was killed at first as he was the one who was exposing the Indian army and Hindu extrimists for several bomb blasts in India. Secondly, it seems the only arrested Terrorist, Kasab is giving all the information very easily to the security agencies. As we have been told by the very same agencies and its media helpers that those Terrorists were highly trained like commondos with a speciality in marine warfare. They managed to fight for 3 days without eating and sleeping! My question is how come this arrested Kasab is talking like a popat (parakeet). What is the gurantee he is speaking the truth? He must have been trained to evade third degree introgations too as they have been trained to fight the Indian commondos non-stop.

Is there any way to get this human in disguise, Kasab to speak in public?

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