The Other Side

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New political card 'Hindu Terrorism'

Journalistic Fascism and Indian Muslims

The Tehlka Magazine’s journalist Mr.Ajit shah has offered us much needed insight about Indian Media and it's apathy towards poor and minorities. His advice to Muslims to get more active for civil liberties is very realistic. Every citizen of India must know what his rights are as a citizen of India. We must be more fearless to ask questions about anything we feel wrong on the part of Police, Govt. and Media.

The recent arrests of a Sadhvi and some Military officers for bomb blasts in Maharashtra can be a political stunt. Home Minister Mr.Shivraj Patil’s proud declaration of being personally supervising the Batla house encounter has backfired, it is increasingly seen as a fake not only by Muslims but the entire intelligentsia does not believe in the police story despite of a Police officer was killed there. Sensing the fallout of batla house, the Congress party might be playing a 'Hindu Terrorist' card.

Muslims of India have suffered what the Supreme Court has termed 'Worst than terrorism' genocide. Not a single high level arrest has been made for several riots directed against Muslims in last decade. How come suddenly the police have discovered 'Hindu Terrorists'? The Malegaon bomb blast was not even highlighted in Media as the other bomb blasts in Delhi and somewhere else. Remember, the police that time had declared it an explosion from Gas cylinder! What is more interesting is that the arrested army officer Mr. Purohit was a invitee at a seminar on internal security organized by the ATS itself to deliver lectures!

‘Terrorism’ is not a Muslims monopoly. Several NGO’s were demanding actions against RSS and its other organizations which openly advocate genocide of Muslims. We have read at several places before, how the RSS has planted its people everywhere including the so called Secular Army of India. This open secret many knows since long time is being told by the Maharashtra police, now when the general elections are at the corner. Nothing may happen at the end to this poor sadhvi, who is simply a small fish in a big sea of hatred and conspiracies. May I suggest that, after the elections Media and the next Govt .(whoever may come to power) will resume their duties of demonizing and harassing Muslims with a new intensity. Now you won’t be able to question the police for targeting only Muslims, they will always point towards the arrest of a Sadhvi.

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